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Mufaddalali Ali

Data Science in Action

At DataFest ’21, students bring liberal arts approach to 72-hour data science sprint

Tay Munson ’21

The Beat Goes On

Tay Munson ’21 Joins Fight Against Heart Disease Through Pay It Northward Initiative

Huan Bui '21

Huan Bui ’21 Named Class Marshal with Highest GPA

Bui, hailing from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, is a physics and mathematics major who will study at MIT in a Ph.D. program starting this summer.

House near ocean with solar panels on roof

Input and Collaboration Crucial to Success

Creating Climate Equity Alison BatesAssistant Professor of Environmental Studies Want a reminder of how our environmental consciousness has changed in the past 20 years? Consider Alison Bates then and now. First, she worked in conservation for a nonprofit, replanting native trees in the San Bernardino…

Flock of birds in flight in evening sky

Considering Extinction’s Bigger Picture

Giant pandas have become an international symbol for species at risk of extinction. They are cultural icons, bringing ecotourism dollars to local economies. With extensive conservation efforts, panda populations have increased significantly, but is that enough to prevent their demise? If their main food source, bamboo, went extinct, would…

Regan Bragg, a mathematics and computer science double major, as she works with the coding program that she’s teaching students of Waterville’s public schools.

Early Exposure

Coding club boosts middle schoolers’ interest in computer science

Stacy Doore, Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Building an Ethical Sensibility

Stacy Doore speaks to the importance of computing ethics in computer science training

CT-scan in progress

Detecting Sarcoma at the Right Time

New data-based research points to optimum CT-scan interval

Jack Pump in urban area

No Time to Waste

For Catherine Fraser ’19, Lilli Y. Garza ’20, and Joanna Keel ’19, the stakes have never been higher. That’s because Black and Brown communities are at risk around the globe. The problems? Energy poverty, big polluters, inequity, to name a few. But these environmental-justice crusaders aren’t intimidated. In…

Data points from genome sequencing

Opening a Window to Evolution

David Angelini’s research on genetic adaptation gets push from McVey data initiative