Colby College News
Colby Hires a New Harold Alfond Director of Athletics
NACDA Division III Athletic Director of the Year to lead Colby Athletics and Recreation
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The Next Ascent
We’re on the precipice of achieving something unprecedented. We’ve given our time, effort, and resolve to ensure our students and faculty have the best possible experience at Colby. And while the last leg of the climb will be the most challenging, it will also be the most rewarding. Do you dare to join?
Media Coverage
Colby was featured in a story by NBC NEWS about financial aid policies that highlighted the College’s no-loan policy and how for many students it’s “a gift that keeps on giving.” In the segment, Vice President and Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, Randi Maloney, talked about how Colby is “incredibly lucky that we have an alumni network and network of friends that support us” to make this policy possible.Portland Press Herald
Among the Nation’s Worst Toxic Spills
The EconomistNo Response to Police Activity
National ReviewA Spectacular Review of the Colby Museum
Represent Your True North
Browse our collection of Dare Northward products. 100% of product profits support financial aid initiatives to enhance students’ experiences and help future generations of leaders tackle the world’s greatest challenges.