Top 10 Media Stories of 2020
Colby Steps Into National Media Spotlight
This was a breakout year for Colby in the national press with the College receiving an unprecedented amount of coverage in top news outlets. From stories on Colby’s groundbreaking Pay It Northward campaign to the Return to Campus initiative, the College was featured prominently in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and on NPR, to name just a few. Here are some of the highlights:
New York Times
Colby Helps to Revitalize Downtown Waterville
Wall Street Journal
Colby Poll Shows Tough Re-Election Race In Maine
This College Pledges to Find Jobs for 100% of its 2020 Graduates
Fox News
Colby College Helps New Grads Land Jobs
Colby College Guarantees Employment for all 500 Graduates
Washington Post
On Some College Campuses, A New Fall Rite: Coronavirus Testing
How Maine’s Colby College is Striving to Keep COVID-19 Under Control
Colleges are Exploding with COVID and have Lax Testing. One School is Keeping Cases Down
Colby College Defies Downturn with $200-Million Facility and Pledge for Sports
Wall Street Journal
Young Job Seekers Tap College Alumni Networks for Leads