Colby students conduct graduate-level research at Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory and around the world
Island Fellows program gives students the opportunity to live, study, and work on Colby’s Island Campus
Recent graduates thrive in the growing clean-energy sector
Geology professor Bess Koffman heads to the Yukon to learn more about high-latitude dust
Colby’s Island Campus is a unique classroom for Audubon birders to learn bird banding and other research techniques
Wonders await in the rich environment surrounding Colby’s Island Campus
The chemistry and music double major has learned to follow his interests and curiosities because ‘I don’t like being bored’
Associate Professor of Chemistry Karena McKinney teams with Davis Institute for AI on prestigious NSF grant
The Chemistry Department recognizes transformative contributions of the recently deceased professor
An academic friendship bolsters three sophomores’ scores in the field’s preeminent competition